In November, 2008, I sent a Grappling Tip Mail with an idea about not letting your opposition manage your sides (see the first suggestion below). В том 12, No-Gi Shield Passing, Емили ви показва как да се комбинират модерни стратегии преминаващия страж с прости ощипвам и техники, които ви позволяват да се намали чрез затворено, отворено и половината пазача в ситуация, че няма GI. Stephan Kesting е BJJ черен колан, и Battle инструктор Подаване Wrestling. When you're in your back and fighting in the guard in a no gi condition you could instantly throw out about 75% of the standard BJJ strategy.
Furthermore since your feet are not closed into place itis relatively simple to transition from the Butterfly Shield into many other types of half and available guard, letting you use combinations and problems he won't be expecting. In Butterfly Guard you have the possibilities slip backwards, to drop to your aspect, come forwards, if not remain true. These moves can be utilized toyour adversary, utilizing seriousness to your advantage. Just in bjj could you soar into guard.
I do believe that the majority of the changes are as a result of fighting for knee and hip freedom and attempting to not permit my opponent to go forward and encourage his guard driving plan on me. My tutor David Ruiz (a Rigan Machado Black-Belt) in Colorado has 3 principles that he shows that really transformed the guard game for me, and specially the available guard game. For example, in my improvement, my no-gi guard recreation lagged behind my uniform-centered guard sport for your longest period. Pass the guard to his left side.
One of the guard's big benefits is that it helps avoid prime pressure, letting the fighter that is bottom breathe, make perspectives, and to go their hips. The first security against that tension in available guard is the feet, either with Index guard, P la hooks, or grips. Get the motivation again and change to some powerful defensive situation, like a fully proven half guard.
Sadly however, I view more options for Judo from your own BJJ competition that is typical than I view in a competition! So from that viewpoint guard is pulled by me under two circumstanses. You really do view lots of people draw on guard in MMA...mainly whenever a grappler cannot match the impressive game that is oppenents. Every competition i've visited ever since then I've performed nicely together with the same technique.
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